Get Thousands of Free Minecraft Minecoins Using The New Secured Cheat App by GameCoinsAdder

By browsing the latest sub-reddits of a evergreen sandbox game known to everyone – Minecraft, one interesting application caught our attention, which many Minecraft players bragged about. It’s called Minecraft Minecoins Generator, a tool coded by a small team of programmers & gamers who founded a crew called “GameCoinsAdder” – dedicated to developing mobile and desktop apps which generates in-game currencies for various online-multiplayer games, such as Fortnite, Roblux and Minecraft.

Minecraft Minecoins cheat Generator App

Their Minecoins Generator App operates on a system which exploits a flaw inside Minecraft’s online database dedicated to handling Minecoins exchange transactions. The Game Coins Adder group managed to hack into this server by using their special built tools made for scanning online databases for any glitches, then injecting an encrypted malware inside which operates undetected by server’s security systems. While running, this malware monitors any in-game currencies transactions (in this case Minecoins) and adds maximum possible increased values by using the glitch it previously founded. It stores extra generated coins in a RAM memory of a server, which makes their Continue reading “Get Thousands of Free Minecraft Minecoins Using The New Secured Cheat App by GameCoinsAdder”

EA Cancels all Star Wars Game Projects for This Generation

Some franchises are destined for great things in the right hands. Star Wars with EA is not one of those cases. For some time it seemed like EA was in the right track after acquiring the money-making license back in 2013. Since that time the publisher appears to be having a rough time to figure out how to make a good game with one of the most recognizable brands in the world. They seemed to be in the right path after releasing their first game, a revival of the old Battlefront series, but mixed reviews a release full of bugs that were patched as they were found made the game fall through with the fans. The announced a sequel shortly, and they managed to screw up big time with a monetization scheme that bled the player, as well as a less than stellar campaign mode.

Star Wars Video Games Collection

Bad moves, Bad Games

In what seems to be a trend of bad news for Star Wars gamer around the world, EA shortly announced the cancelation of a single player platform that was being developed by Visceral Games as they are closing down the studio for god. To add insult to injury the future of the last remaining announced project “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” seems to be Continue reading “EA Cancels all Star Wars Game Projects for This Generation”

PS4 Emulator Will Make You Fully Enjoy Sony’s Fourth Gen Games Without Owning a Console

It has taken nearly four years, but finally, there is a way to crack open those PlayStation 4 games and play them for good on your smart devices or your desktop. PS4 Emulator software is here, and it’s ready to have you playing for the long run wherever you are at all times. I didn’t even know it was released already until I stumbled across PS4Emus’s website where I discovered the tool has already been in a market for few months. In the current 8th generation, the war on consoles has been somewhat unbalanced. X-Box One has been faced a lot of issues regarding their ability to provide exclusive games to their users while Nintendo switched platforms mid-way from the Wii-U to the Switch and it’s slowly climbing his way up to the top again. PlayStation 4 remains the strongest contender among console players in the world right now.

PS4 Emulator

For People missing the Party

While the Sony console remains popular and keeps a steady track of solid sales, there are a lot of people that feel they are being left out of the loop because they chose other console or merely because their games mustered enough curiosity to try them out at least once. After all the PS4 is the console that still Continue reading “PS4 Emulator Will Make You Fully Enjoy Sony’s Fourth Gen Games Without Owning a Console”

First Impressions: Kingdom Hearts 3 – Gameplay

Square-Enix is known for taking their sweet time to deliver a proper sequel to their most popular IPs, but with Kingdom Hearts, they may actually have overdone it. The Second entry in the saga was released in 2005 for the PlayStation 2. Fans of the saga had to endure a full generation of consoles with side stories in other platforms and remakes of the first two games for the PS3. Now in 2019 we finally have the third chapter of one the most outstanding crossovers ever done in the history of gaming. The game was finally released in January 25th, and we are about to offer some insight on how the game feels and play for you.

Kingdom Hearts 3 - 2019

First Impressions

Let’s set the tone of our appreciation in the table first: Kingdom Hearts 3 is a role-playing game, at least that’s how it’s marketed and how the items system seems to work. The game, however, feels closer to a 3D platform melee-style action game. Sora, Goofy, and Donald have to Continue reading “First Impressions: Kingdom Hearts 3 – Gameplay”

Everything You Need to Known About Mortal Kombat 11 so Far

The Kombat is not set to end yet. After being with us for nearly 26 years now and after revamping the timeline with Mortal Kombat in 2011, Mortal Kombat 11 has been revealed this past December with a teaser trailer and full reveal in January. Netherrealm Studios has taken the internet by storm with a series of announcements regarding the classic IP as well as a lot of details regarding the gameplay. Since the Internet loves weird for the sake of it, we also have a brand new meme that is making all the rage among users on social media. People are requesting the main developer Ed Boon, a man who has a knack for getting weird guest stars to the MK games, to add Shaggy from Scooby Doo fame to the lineup.

Mortal Kombat 11

What we Known so Far

Much of the story seems to be a heavily guarded secret. As past MK games, this new entry seems to have a storyline following the events as they have been occurring since Continue reading “Everything You Need to Known About Mortal Kombat 11 so Far”